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Madrid: gardens on top of city buses to improve the quality of air

The “Muévete en verde” project got started in Madrid thanks to the collaboration between the Cotec Foundation – whose mission is to promote the innovation as driving force of the economic and social development – and the Communal Administration is becoming very famous.

This project aims to improve the quality of the air, pursued through the installation of gardens on the top of the buses that circulate in the most polluted areas of Madrid. It has been certified, in fact, that the presence of these “mobile” gardens together with the bushes and trees planted around the town give an important support to the absorption of pollutants.
Moreover, the advantages aren’t finished yet! When the sun is up and the temperature is very hot, if you are on board of this type of buses you will not need to switch on the air conditioning because the gardens on top of them lower the internal temperature.


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